Sunday, February 13, 2011

Remembering Loved Ones

Typically on February 14th, we share a card, candy, flowers, etc with our loved ones to express how much they mean to us. As Valentine's Day approaches, I can't help but think about loved ones that are no longer with us. Some I may have never known personally, while others were apart of my everyday life.

I will always remember Sunday dinners at Nanny's and our shopping trips for clothes and candy. And how can I forget about getting the dollar bill in EVERY birthday card!!! Most of the memories that I have about my Papa are from stories told to me. Sounds like Carla and I had a blast with you on our outings to stores as well. Not sure the stories are appropriate for the internet though :)

Easter egg hunts, homemade birthday cakes, and trips to the lake are just a few of the things that come to mind as I think about Grandma and Grandpa Scearce. Grandpa, I am not sure how many times I mistakenly took your spit cup for my coke!!

Uncle Stephen, for your time on Earth was extremely short, your life is remembered and told through pictures. I could only imagine what kind of "trouble" you would have gotten in hanging out with your siblings.

So as you go and celebrate Valentines' Day, charish the memories from the past as well as the memories that you are making with those loved ones who are still with you!

Happy Valentines' Day

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Addison has had a few ear infections and in the past month a ruptured ear drum. Believe it or not, I had no idea she had an ear infection until the puss was coming out of ear!!!! Either she has the worst mother ever or a high pain tolerance. As soon as her ear drum burst, her speech improved ten fold. A few days later, we were back with her normal speech problems when another ear infection began.

So it has come down to Addison getting tubes in her ears to help with the fluid that she continually has behind her ears. I could not imagine having fluid constantly behind my ears and what that must feel like. In return, the ent thinks that the tubes will help with her speech as well.

Even though people tell me that the tube surgery is "no big deal", I still can't help the feeling of anxiousness as the surgery date approaches. Luckily, she will not have an iv but will use gas to put her under. Please pray for the surgery to go well and her recovery time to be short. Probably should throw in a prayer or two for mom and dad as well because we will be a nervous wreck!

Wednesday, February 9th, will be the day.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snow Day = Tooth Fairy Visit

Another snow day has come and another tooth is gone. Emma is officially missing her two front teeth. Makes me smile every time she talks to see that gap. Funny thing is, her little sis has more teeth than she does right now.

Emma spent yesterday's snow day sledding down a hill with our neighbors. She didn't want to go back home but I made her when she said her toes were getting cold. She held on tight to the sled and loved every minute of it.

I enjoyed the snow but I am supper glad that it is melting today. Even one day stuck in the house is too much!!! Going to enjoy the beautiful days ahead before the next round of cold and possibly snowy weather makes it our way in the middle of the week.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Emma is 6

My "little girl" will be 6 tomorrow. Seems like yesterday that I held her in my arms for the first time and stared in amazement of God's power to create something so beautiful. She continues to bring joy and laughter into our lives on a daily basis. Happy Birthday sweet Emma!!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

update on the girls

So thankful that Addison is feeling better. I think we have finally shaken the ear infections. Will be headed to the ENT next Thursday to see if we are tube worthy.

As you can tell, Emma has lost her front tooth. It has been lose FOREVER. One misstep in the snow and out it came. Moments later, she was out throwing snowballs at the neighbor!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

to the doctor we go

So I have found out that there is one positive thing about going to the doctor three consecutive days and paying out of pocket since my deductible just rolled over...I am developing a great relationship with the receptionists!!!

Addison is battling ear infections/ear drum rupture that come and go so we are now on a round of daily shots and visits until it shows sign of improvement. Of course we also have an ENT referral as well now :) I think this will be a record for me to meet my deductible in the first two weeks of the new year.

Luckily, Addison is not in much pain and is being such a trooper with all of these visits and shots.