Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Addison's Two Month Checkup

Addison went to her two month check up today. Her stats are:
12lbs 3oz (85%); 24 inches (96%); head 15.5 in (68%)

She got a million shots and didn't mind it too much. Big Sister Emma was there to hold her hand which made everything better!!! I remember I cried when Emma got her first round of shots. Things sure do change with the second one. I am not freaking out about every little thing.
They are watching her noggin though. She LOVES sleeping on one side so its not as round as they would like it to be. Doctor said to watch it for another 2 months and do a lot of tummy time. If not, she may have to wear one of those helmets! I always wondered what the helmets were for.

On another baby note, Jodie (my sis-in-law) should be having her second baby anytime now. She is having some contractions and is dilated to a 4 already. I will keep you posted!