Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I suck

So I suck at this blog thing...but I will continue to try. The world of facebook has taken over me for some reason. As the new year approaches I suppose that I need to add frequent blogging onto the list. Here are a few other things I should add as well:
1) Get off my butt and workout/run more (maybe plan to run a race!!!)
2) Spend more quality time with the family and stop worrying about work so much
3) Finish grad school

So if you see me online on facebook tell me to get off and start doing some of the above mentioned items.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


So Emma is enjoying playing soccer. Almost as much fun as picking flowers during practice and putting them in her shin guards.
She is starting to be a little more aggressive and go after the ball and she is not afraid to run after the ball and the heard of girls around it!! Of course, she loves the fact that the she is on the same team as her good buddy!!!

The latest adventures

We had a wonderful time in Katy over Easter. On Friday we got to celebrate my nephew Josh's 6th birthday. He is truly a sweet boy!!!! Addison had a little ice cream at the party and got upset at me when I would not spoon it in fast enough! Emma "cheeto puff" Smith had a good time as well. At one point, she had an entire plate piled high with cheeto puffs!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

album 03\09\2010 (61 photos), by Cara Smith

I'd like to share my Snapfish photos with you. Once you have checked out my photos you can order prints and upload your own photos to share.
Click here to view photos

Pictures of the Girls

Emma and Mike building their garden
What a great first Christmas for Addison!
AG HORN shirt her Grammy got her.
What a face :)
Emma and Mike having a picnic at the park.

Catch Up

So it was brought to my attention that I am about 7 months behind on this blog. So here is a SHORT version of what we've been up to. This year as been CRAZY. I guess a combo of going back to work, adding another kiddos to the mix, and taking on a "few" things at work as kept me busy.

We've added a new cousin into our family in August. Patrick is such a sweetie. They have a blast playing with each other and I am sure that they will grow up being good buddies.

As most people have experienced in the country, we have add our fair share of snow this year. We had a white Christmas in Dallas and then in the middle of February we had 6+ inches in Tyler.

I hope to do a little better job keeping this blog updated now. So please check back for some more pictures. I will post some more pics of the girls soon (as requested by many of you)

Emma turns 5

Wow, I can't believe my little girl is five!!! On her birthday we went to her favorite place, Buffalo Wild Wings. She got a fish tank for her birthday. Of course, it is decorated with pink rocks. "Blueberry" and "Lemon" have survived for over a month now and seem to be doing well with a five year old taking care of them. Emma got to celebrate her birthday at a STARS game to. At dad's request (HA HA) the Stars' girls came to visit her. Emma also got her name on the jumbo-tron too!!!

Emma is currently in pre-k and is starting to sound out some words. She is all about dinosaurs right now since that is their unit at school. She has her first soccer game this Saturday and is so excited. Her best buddy is on her team so this should be interesting to watch. If I can learn how to post a video I will!!!

Addison 9 Months

Addison had her 9 month checkup today. Here are her stats:

19 lbs 1 oz (54%)
28 3/4 in (85%)
18 in noggin (90%)

She is growing so fast. Addison's favorite things to do are to watch her big sister and read books. Her current tricks include scooting backwards and grinding her teeth. Emma starting grinding her teeth about this age too and it ANNOYED me to know end!!!