Thursday, May 14, 2009

Call me a slacker

So for the past month all I have done on my blog is to log on to see how many more days I have until Addison arrives! I know...sad!
As you can imagine, we are STILL trying to get everything ready. When I found out that I was pregnant we decided to start remodeling our house because we just knew we could do it all in a few months! WELL...we are still remodeling and Addison is expected in a few a weeks.
The good thing is the house is almost done and it looks great. Mike has worked really hard and it is all coming together. We have the kitchen to go!!!
Two weeks ago, a friend from work came to help me paint Addison's room. She is also helping decorate as well. This weekend, I will be trying to put everything in the room and getting the final details taken care of.

Speaking of Addison - all is well. I am currently going to the doctor once a week to get weighed and "checked". Currently dilated to a centimeter which doesn't mean a whole lot. I am still trying to convince the doctor to induce on the 6th so that all of the Scearce grandkids have "the" birthday. (Josh 4-4-04, Emma 2-2, Andrew 7-7-07). If that doesn't work, then I think I can at least go for 6-9-09!!

Emma is so excited to be a big sister. The other day as we were walking out the door to head to school, she asked me if Addison was coming today. I told her it would be a few more weeks and she had a disappointed look on her face. She will be attending "sibling class" in a week or so. She will get to check out the hospital and learn what all will happen when her little sister arrives.

I will try to keep a "prego" update each week after my doctor appointment!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I want a picture of Mommy!!! :) Glad everyone is doing well! Do you know that Heather will be living in Houston with the kids for a year starting in July?