Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snow Day = Tooth Fairy Visit

Another snow day has come and another tooth is gone. Emma is officially missing her two front teeth. Makes me smile every time she talks to see that gap. Funny thing is, her little sis has more teeth than she does right now.

Emma spent yesterday's snow day sledding down a hill with our neighbors. She didn't want to go back home but I made her when she said her toes were getting cold. She held on tight to the sled and loved every minute of it.

I enjoyed the snow but I am supper glad that it is melting today. Even one day stuck in the house is too much!!! Going to enjoy the beautiful days ahead before the next round of cold and possibly snowy weather makes it our way in the middle of the week.


Kristen said...

Love the missing teeth. And you are doing a great job blogging!

Cara said...

Thanks Kristen...I am trying hard :)
Hopefully I will keep it up.